This time of year reminds me of the grand finale at the fireworks! I’m driving home, and all the trees are EXPLODING with color!! The leaves are almost saying “Wahoo, look at me!!! This is it!” The reds, oranges and yellows are on fire! It’s time to put out the pumpkins, dress up in fun costumes AND it’s OK to buy multiple bags of candy!! The cashier won’t look at you in a judgmental way….. LOL! I don’t know about you, but I have to hide the candy, or it won’t make it to Halloween. Last year I found candy that I hid two years ago…………..sheesh.
There’s a crips in the air, that cools our thoughts to Thanksgiving and Christmas; there’s a little joy in everyone’s steps and football games are in full swing. It’s fun to get out your warm sweaters, jeans and boots. It’s a gala of fashion, festivities and FUN!
Enjoy every minute of this season because it is never long enough!
P.S. Here’s a flashback of my kids at Halloween… trick or treat?